The long-awaited TV anime version of the manga "SPY x FAMILY" serialized in "Shonen Jump Plus" (Shueisha) is airing in 2022. The story is about a skilled spy named 〈Twilight〉, his telepathic daughter Anya, who can read minds, his assassin wife Yor, who hides her true identity from the world and Bond, a dog with the ability to predict the future. Each of the UT is designed by a family member who hides his or her true identity.
100% Cotton
Washing instructions
Machine wash cold, Do not dry clean
Yor Shirt
All the listings on the site will be open for preorder & you can purchase them like normal. Since each item is made to order, all items will have unlimited stock! This means there's no risk of an item selling out.
Processing, production & shipping can cause delays for orders as we are only a 2 person team. We will fulfill order as soon as possible while also balancing events and shows.
Machine was cold.
To avoid shrinking, do not dry hot. Do not dry clean.
Wash clothes inside out to preserve longevity of print.